Our Apporach

In our journey over a decade, the business growth has increased multifold. This is the outcome of our efforts of implementing the targeted approach. We are also fully invested in innovating our products, adopting policies approved by the leadership, protecting the environment and have a sustainable approach. This leads to an increase in the trust of our stakeholders and thus, results in increased economic benefits.

Below is our approach towards the environment that set us apart from the competition:

Economic Growth:

Our approach is to contribute to the economic development of the nation. We ensure this by providing high-quality products and services to our stakeholders. This helps in increasing our stakeholder satisfaction. Simultaneously, it is one of the major factors in profitability, business growth and sustainability.

Innovating Our Products:

We believe in continuously improving and transforming our products so that we provide unparalleled products to our customers. With the ever-changing market trends, we stay at the forefront of innovation. And the constantly changing consumer expectation encourage us to develop products that suit individual end user preferences.

Towards a greener future

Green Belt Development

A step towards safeguarding our tomorrow

We are committed to protecting and conserving our environment and having sustainable development. For the increasing concern about preserving the ecosystem, we are investing in environment management strategy and mitigating pollution caused by industries.

At A-One Gold Steel, we have developed a thick green belt in and around all the manufacturing units. This initiative also provides habitat to flora and fauna. To overcome water stress situations, treated wastewater is used to raise the green belt.

The purpose of this is to capture the fugitive emissions, attenuate the noise and conserve biodiversity.

Zero Discharge from Factory

Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Zero Liquid Discharge is a water management strategy that eliminates all the liquid waste and improves water usage efficiency. This initiative minimizes the environmental risk of discharged water.

At A-One Steel Group, we recycle every drop of water. All our units have installed treatment plants that help process discharged water which is used for gardening and cooling purposes. It helps us strike a balance between the exploitation of freshwater resources and the preservation of the aquatic environment.

Apart from these, there are numerous benefits to targeting zero liquid discharge:

Zero Pollution

A healthy planet for all!

Increasing pollution is one of the main reasons for the loss of biodiversity. And it further reduces the ability of ecosystems to perform natural processes like carbon sequestration and decontamination.

At A-One Steel Group, there is zero discharge of polluted water as every drop is recycled using Sewage Treatment Plant. The recycled water is used for cooling and gardening purposes. This initiative leads to zero pollution of water.

In our manufacturing units, there are well-constructed closed sheds. All the machines are installed with adequate height and are equipped with the latest hot charging technology. Hence, there is no generation of carbon content due to the burning of coal.

Corporate Social Responsibility

A-One Steel Group is committed to the realms of corporate social responsibility. Over the years, the company has strived to provide quality education to children of the nearby area of manufacturing units. Not just this, the group has contributed to providing accessible healthcare to the people of the surrounding areas of the plants.